Born in Alabama, theStudio is a biannual creative journal.

A studio is where creativity happens. A blank canvas where anything can transpire. It’s where you can sleep, exercise, create, cook, and live. This journal is to share and celebrate creative ideas, people, things to do, and places to go. In 1902 there was a publication called The Studio, which was an illustrated magazine of fine and applied arts. TheStudio Journal at its roots is about creatively exploring life and sharing it with others.

I love holding a photograph or image, the tactile tooth of a page, the surface touch to my fingers, soaking in the subtle tones in the highlights, and the textured detail in the shadows against a stark white. I enjoy it all. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the ease of perusing images via Instagram and the web. However, there is something about ink on paper, the silver in the gelatin print that I miss when I look at an image on my phone or the computer.

The graphics are scaled and designed for a matte or glossy page. The printed page can transport you to a specific place or create a longing for someplace you have never been. It can be taken with you and never needs to be charged. And you don’t have to worry about cracking the screen when it’s crammed into your bag. Yes, these are some of the things I miss about magazines.

I have always wanted to produce a magazine of sorts. I have been published by many and have designed and collaborated with a few. This is a passion project. Lord knows I am not doing it for a profit with the cost of printing and the scarcity of finding paper. That has been an adventure of its own. I am calling it a journal although it’s truly a magazine. The definition of a magazine is a container that holds contents. So almost any publication can be a magazine but magazines have the perception of being disposable (although I keep old magazines around long after they have gone out of date). A journal is more personal and that is what theStudio Journal is. It’s looking at and sharing ideas and images through a creative lens, my lens. Each issue will explore a single topic or idea. I hope you enjoy it. I welcome any feedback or critique.

Robert Rausch, GAS Design Center founder, is a much sought-after photographer who also crafts luxury designs and impeccable fine art. theStudio is Robert’s vision to celebrate other artists and their art in beautiful and in collectible journals.